• Elite Athlete Health Insurance
  • National Medical Network
  • Concussion Information
  • Nutritional Advice
  • Sports Psychology

National Medical Network

The USOC has created the National Medical Network (NMN), a program to better service athlete medical needs for sport injuries. The NMN provides accessible medical care for athletes at little or no cost through partnerships with top-tier medical providers across the country. Services may be available to athletes who are enrolled in or eligible for the Elite Athlete Health Insurance Program (EAHI) and athletes who sustain injuries during USAT and/or USOC sanctioned competitions. The program focuses on sport injuries and not every day medical care. Each request will be handled individually and acceptance in the program is not guaranteed.

The medical program is funded through value–in-kind (VIK) agreements between the USOC and medical providers. Referred athletes will receive care with any medical provider in the NMN; services are then billed against the USOC VIK pool. Providers currently are available in Colorado, California and New York. Transportation to and from the service location may be provided. The USOC is striving to further develop and expand its national network to meet athletes’ needs in various locations.

If you have any questions or are interested in applying for care, please contact Dani Sweigard at 719-866-3624 or dani.sweigard@usa-taekwondo.us. Each case will be reviewed by the USOC with USAT to determine if coverage will be provided.